Wednesday, August 24, 2005

Autobots TRANSFORM!!

chugga-ch-chugga-cha(that's supposed to be the noise when they transform....)

I don't have much on my mind today.... I'm staying home with babypots starting monday, so i guess that's something. I'm also waiting patiently until 'ultimate spiderman' comes out for the PS2. I love the spidermans games.

Speakering of games, here's a site that I visit on a regular basis, it's called Little Fluffy and it's a small daily updated games site, the games are fun and rated accurately(for the most part).

Anywhoo, here's a cool site that I read pretty often. It's called X-Entertainment(X-E for shorts) and he(Matt) reviews 80's pop culture toys and coloring books, even commercials. Although he seems to have taken some of the older articles away. :( The 'Full House' activity book review was funny as anything I've ever read, but I can't seem to find it.

Also, I've added some more webcomics on the side.

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