Behind the scenes with Beopots
Wednesday, October 06, 2010
For now, lets focus on ladcomics, or rather, the demise of ladcomics. LAD was an acronym for Life After Death, it seems that during the shuffle of updating domains for other sites, the domain got lost and neglected. The comic was intended to focus on the adventures of Mailer, a man turned zombie and his friend Jim. In reality, the comics turned into whatever amused us at the time and any semblance of a story line was short lived. We are working on a new comic which will be called Adventures in Cursing. This is all I can tell you at the moment, other than this: expect random drawings that may or may not entertain you...
Wednesday, October 18, 2006
Here are some halloweenie type games:
Zombie Romp by Teagames, the object is to survive as long as you can.
Dark Cut this one is for erzee. It's not TRULY halloweenie, until the last mission, it's gory tho.
Pumpkin carving here's one for the kids.
De-animator i know, this one has been seen before, but its still my favorite zombie related flash.
Grudge sppoooekrs
or visit nordinho, minijuegos, or any other popular game site for many other halloween themed games.
In other news, this is fricking awesome. watch out offspring, you're stylin, whether you like it or not!

Tuesday, July 11, 2006
go see his band at robotstrongs website.
come see us at myspace:
be our friends, or not, if you're antisocial or something....
Thursday, March 09, 2006
lad comics is up and runnin
Friday, March 03, 2006
as promised heres a little sneak peak of the comic to come. we haven't decided on colors or to color, so it's still in the planning stages. but i feel good about the direction it's taking and the personality starting to develop with the characters.
anyway, the page for it is coming along nicely except for that dang PHP scripting(i hate it SOO).
Also, if you haven't seen, it look like VENOM is up for SM3! that is gonna rock so hard! I actually just squealed like a little girl, that's how excited I am for this.
alot of people might disagree, "3 villans is too many, it killed the batman franchise." I'd tell those people that Val kilmer and his bat-nips killed that series. besides, there is only one confirmed villian right now, the sandman(thomas hayden church) I read an article about this and Sam Raimi said they might take the harry-becomes-a-goblin-like-his-pop storyline completely out. anyway, complain to sony, not me. I kinda hated harry in the movies anyway.
Thursday, February 02, 2006
I don't know why burger king felt like they had to compete with mickey-dees. they have far superior food. and the mascot isn't some kind of girly clown what wears makeup. besides, ronald mcdonald is into things like figure skating and crap like that while the 'king' is funny in a creepy kind of way and he doesn't do any girly sports, no, he plays football(without a helmet!!)
what a stud. if anyone can find a link to the commercials, contact me.
Wednesday, February 01, 2006
i hate 98% of everyone who drives
SOLUTION: I.Q. test for drivers licenses(especially commercial drivers), I don't care if it pisses people off, they drive worse than my cat would! and he doesen't have thumbs!
or at least make them mark their cars with some symbol, like almost or should be handicapped tags!
Tuesday, January 10, 2006
i hate thinking of titles for every post
We're still working on the webcomic so expect a sneak preview any time soon, even if it's just a sketch or preliminary comic. I'm getting some good vibes from the ideas and progress coming along on it. Anywhoo. byes.
Thursday, December 29, 2005
In other news, christmas eve was of course the Baby-pots birthday! He's One and he's pretty excited about it. He got a ton of toys for his birthday, then a second ton for christmas(that equals two tons of toys!) He's walking around more, which means he gets more bumps on the 'ol noggin.
Anywhoo. Laters.
Friday, December 23, 2005
mistle fingers and toes.

Well, that's all for now, I'll try to update again soon, but not before the new year
(I love you too, little yellow santa-man.)
Monday, November 21, 2005
Diet Pepsi and Mentos.
1) The name Beopots came from a random bunch of letters being pressed when we couldn't think of a good username for Unreal Tournament.
2) His favorite cryptozoological animal is the Chupacabra, but he seems like the type
that could appreciate a good Mantygre.
3) I'm not sure what his favorite movie is, so I'll just take a swing at it... Okay, Beopots' favorite movie of all time is Gidget.
4) If you type Beopots into Google, it helpfully suggests 'Did you mean Boots?'. Suprisingly enough, I did!
5) He knows the capitol of Thailand.
That is Beo in a nutshell. Unreal Tournament, boots, Gidget, Mantygre, Bangkok. I don't think you could find a better description out there.
Anyway, I'm Erzee. Come check out my site if you have a second. Peace out everyone!
Thursday, November 17, 2005
suprise suprise
I'll do some detective work and see if we can figure out where it's been all this time. Laters.
Thursday, November 10, 2005
good times are killing me
Well, I just talked to my good friend Ned Flanders. We went to high school together and hung out quite a bit. until he moved to cedar city, Utah. Now, even though my in-laws live in the same town I never see him anymore, he's never even seen my baby boy. Anyway, it was good to hear from him. Here's a picture of him that I always keep close to my heart. It's from the olympics here in good ol' SLC. The one on the right is Ned, the other one is Tanoch.

If you put your mouse finger cursor over the faces it looks like they're picking their noses.
Speaking of Tanoch, he has another blog, this one is all about GPS and GPS accessories. Tanoch's GPS Search Blog. It's worth checking out especially if you like to read about gps related crud.
Thursday, November 03, 2005
I'm glad you was birthed.
Thursday, October 27, 2005
Vote for a runt.
Go to erzee's wepbage and vote using the link or click HERE to vote for your favourite flavour of Runt candy. Mine is the red heart shaped one followed by the pink heart shaped one. I hate the new ones, the watermelon and blueberry taste like poison. Lime was good, or as erzee puts it, Lime was Roxors!
Friday, October 21, 2005
Buttered Parsnips
Hard words break no bones, fine words butter no parsnips.
I'll leave you to ponder those words and please, let me know if it makes any sense to you.
Tuesday, October 11, 2005
Cache Cows?
Deanimator shoot the zombies. Then, shoot some more zombies. If you miss, they'll tear out your spine.
Tuesday, October 04, 2005
Halloween continues.... Or does it?
Then check out the rest of Bitey Castle. It's a very good and well layed out site with some good stories and animations. I'm trying to find a good scary point and click game for the season, but you'll have to wait until next time for that BwaHAHAhahHEHA(trails off).
Monday, October 03, 2005
Gohan to my Goku
Anyway, he does everything he's supposed to and he stands holding on to something and he can walk with our help. He's doing great I'm happy to say.

Here's a pic from when we went up to USU for the annual Aggie-day celebration and football game. Go Ag's.
Friday, September 16, 2005
Trick or TREETS!
- Soda. Once we snuck out of the church halloween party and found a house that was giving out full 12oz cans of pepsi, we went back too many times to count.
- Unusual/Unique. This includes popcorn balls, chocolate skulls, and yes the elusive FULL-SIZE candy bar!
- Fun Size candy bars. Yep these come second, don't you even try to eat them first! I'll know!
- GUMMIES!! Gummies rock, if they are worms or bears or bloody severed limbs, I don't care I'll eat them all and love it!
- Sour candies. These are sweet tarts, shock tarts, well pretty much everything that you read the word 'tart' on.
- Licorice. The safe way out for any house on the block, just get some o'those individually wrapped twizzlers, they make mouths happy, right? RIGHT?!
- Gum. I actually got a STICK OF GUM from a pack one time, I was pretty pissed while I ate it anyway
- Mary-Janes/Danged 'ol Bit-O-Honey/Black and Orange peanut-butter candy. These are probably the most common after smarties.
- Smarties/Necco wafers. ....and any other peices of CHALK you may get in your smilin' punkin' bag. We used to empty all the smarties into a bowl and there they would sit till the new year.
Well, there you have it, the way most kids prefer their candy(at least last time I went T-or-Ting, many years ago), please base your halloween purchases on this list or face cleaning up the eggs on Nov-One.
Tuesday, September 13, 2005
i'm gonna be bill paxton for halloween
Anywhoo, apparently I'm not updating frequently enough so here's a second update in the second of two days. Well the baby-pots and I went out for a walk today and me thinks it's getting too cold for many more walks, unless I bundle him up like one o' them cosmonauts(guess what they have in common Hint: they both can do it in their suits!) he dug it tho, he was all like 'ba-ba-da....... ma.'
I am assigning you each to go over to x-entertainment and read the 'ghost with the most' comics he does each halloween. Holy poopers that's funny on par with the white ninja.
Monday, September 12, 2005
been a while
wait for it.......
I, uh, got nothin', sorry. But I can't believe I haven't put up the homestar runner so I'll link that and click here for a song-clip to listen to that will be in your head FOR THE REST OF YOUR NATURAL DAYS!!
OOH OOH! Make sure you go over to X-E for the halloween countdown spectacular!(spooktacular? spectre-cular?)
Wednesday, August 31, 2005
Chester Copperpot
Anyway, the first few days home with the baby and it's been a challenge. He likes to sleep alot, so that gives me some time to get stuff done.
I don't have alot to say... so here's a picture of some fool dressed like Liono(you know, the leader of the thundercats).It's a pretty accurate costume, from the clown face, right down t-the official thundercats converse 'new-thundera edition™' high tops!
Wednesday, August 24, 2005
Autobots TRANSFORM!!
I don't have much on my mind today.... I'm staying home with babypots starting monday, so i guess that's something. I'm also waiting patiently until 'ultimate spiderman' comes out for the PS2. I love the spidermans games.
Speakering of games, here's a site that I visit on a regular basis, it's called Little Fluffy and it's a small daily updated games site, the games are fun and rated accurately(for the most part).
Anywhoo, here's a cool site that I read pretty often. It's called X-Entertainment(X-E for shorts) and he(Matt) reviews 80's pop culture toys and coloring books, even commercials. Although he seems to have taken some of the older articles away. :( The 'Full House' activity book review was funny as anything I've ever read, but I can't seem to find it.
Also, I've added some more webcomics on the side.
Monday, August 15, 2005
I almost forgot, when we went up to Willard peak a few days back, we hit a couple geocaches. These caches don't get hit very often because of their location, so I thought I'd drop off my very first Travel Bug to start his 'adventure'(for lack of a less lame word). It's called 'Watch This' and you can 'watch' it(hee hee) here. I'll also link to it on the side, heck I might get creative and try to come up with a mileage counter or something on the sidebar(don't bet all your rupees on it tho ;) ).
Wednesday, August 10, 2005
Super Swinging Sky Chair
One of the babys favorite things is being outside. We go outside alot, especially when he's fussy. He loves to look at trees moving in the wind or sit on the lawn and pull out and try to eat handfulls of grass. He doesn't pull out grass so much anymore, he just pets it, or so it seems. He also likes to look at trees, although he doesn't really try to pull leaves off of the branches, he just touches them. It's neat.
Anyway, my wife got me one of those swingin' sky chair's a while back, and our son JUST LOVES IT!! It's one of his favorite things to do, swing in the chair. Bonus: we can swing in it with him plus he loves to sit in it by himself, and you can position him low enough so he won't fall out and it conforms to his shape so he wont fall to the side.
It's possibly because of the style or it's because there are no rockers protruding out into the dark bedroom(if it were inside) for me to step on, but I like it. It's also pretty versatile, you can get a foot rest dealie. The only drawback is the ease of getting in and out with a baby, it can be a little clumsy. Also, I wish it had cup holders. Check it out! Cheaper than a la-z-boy.
BONUS: I just found out you can order a frickin' cup holder that hangs down!! for $10. I think I'll make one from a foam can holder and some rope(estimated cost: less than $10).
Anyway, 'nuff for now.
Monday, August 08, 2005
Weekend Willard
Anyway, here's the view from the top.
Friday, August 05, 2005
this post
Also, check out this blog, it is done by a good friend of mine from way back in the day. His name is Tanoch and he now lives in idaho(free 'taters if you ever visit him!). It's all about LDS history and he would like locations, stories, gps coords, or info on any lds historical locations if you would like to help go there and post a comment.
until we meet again.... b'bye.
Monday, July 25, 2005
Reader Question
Post comments with suggestions or to vote for your favorite.
Sunday, July 24, 2005
Odds and Ends
First item: Google Sightseeing This is pretty cool stuff. I like the weirdness category the best. Those "ufo's" are interesting, even if they're not real "ufo's". anyway, check him out, look for cool stuff in your area.
Second item: I told you I'd put up some pics of my boy. That's my wifey too! She'll probably be mad that I put that pic up, but I like it. So there.
(edit: she thinks it's cute too!)

Now for some daddy show-off and some unprovoked 'bragging about my boy.' He's really smart(really), and he's been trying to walk for some time now, he's got the motions, but lacks the balance, he's actually started to stand holding the edge of the chairs, but we still watch him close(see: lack of balance). And besides, he's JUST SO DERN CUTE!!
Anyway, I'm done, have fun.(edit: that rhymes! ROCK) BYE.
Saturday, July 23, 2005
Sleeping Pill-bugs.
On a related note: the baby did NOT sleep very well last night. I think he's got a cold or something, and he's teething, that can't feel good. I can't remember it, but I bet it hurts when a peice of sharpened bone tries to push it's way thru your skin. anyway, baby-sleep=tired parents. That should be marketed as a way to avoid teen pregnancy, when I was a teen, I slept till noon on the weekends.
Friday, July 22, 2005
I enjoy finding things.
....sorry. :P
Anyway, all you need is a GPS and internet access, but if you didn't have that, you couldn't read this, it's confusing, I know. I guarantee there are some caches near you. If not, you suck, why do you bother me like this? C'MON
...anywhoo, go find some crap and hide some crap. IT'S A FUN THING.
It shall be done
I was going to try to review his site, but I figured most people know how to surf, so GET GOIN'! Seriously tho, look at his page, drop him some comments, the 'Yammerings' are some funny shtuff.
The dawning of the age of BEO
Well, I'm now a daddy, we had a little boy on Christmas eve of ot-four. I'll probably post some of his major accomplishments and pictures of him doing what he does best, lookin' cute. I hope to post some reviews of our baby-gear and tips of what worked for us to get him to sleep, eat, poop(wait, na, he's got that down pretty good!).
I'll also post some other pages for music, webcomics, and general crap that I come across, along with my hobbies and interests. I'll start with my brother's web page, If I can find it again.....
Until next time, same bat-channel, same bat-time.